Cartas de paz
Detention is an isolating experience; our letters offer hope to people who often feel alone and forgotten.
Our volunteers connect you with an immigrant friend who is currently detained in an immigrant detention center somewhere in the United States. This program is volunteer run. Our volunteers are truly connected to the work and will assist you with any questions that may arise.
If you’d like to correspond with someone who is currently in detention please take our online volunteer training and follow the steps under “Cartas de Paz” for specific training. Thank you!
Did you know that over 67% of the people in detention do not hold a criminal record. Folks are seeking asylum and instead we further their trauma by detaining them.
Meet the Team
Cartas de Paz is fully volunteer run.
Rachel D
Alondra F
Isabela G
Linda H
Wayne L
Stephanie M
Greg M
Danya S
Jim S
Joan W
Make a donation.
A key part of the Cartas de Paz program involves sending $15 money orders to the immigrants we know in detention.
This enables our detained friends to make phone calls to the outside world and purchase items from the commissaries where they are detained.