Host Family Needed

Update: Host family found!

Would you be interested in learning from and sharing a cultural experience with a young person from another part of the world?

Mennonite Central Committee has an International Volunteer Exchange Program participant who will be working at Casa de Paz. Natnael is a young man from Ethiopia who is committed to peace and justice. He will be assisting with Casa de Paz from August 25th, 2021 through July 1st, 2022.

A host family is needed to provide a private bedroom, within their home, and serve as a bridge to church, community, activities and places of interest. The host home should be easily accessible to public transportation.

A monthly stipend of $350 is available for the host family to assist with the basics of food, toiletries and household expenses.

If you are interested and would like more information about being a host for Natnael please contact Abby Endashaw at (720) 500 –3413 or


The Welcome Team


We bought a home!