November Newsletter


During the month of October we saw people released from 42 DIFFERENTcountries. The reason we highlight these numbers for all of you is to give you all an idea of how quickly things change. This also hopefully helps put some context to how much we have changed from when we first opened our doors, over twelve years ago. 

We saw...(drumroll please!) 225 guests in October! Above, you will see a guest who connected with volunteers, Greg & Ryan through our Visitation Program. Upon release, they were able to connect at Casa through our Welcome Team. Building communities is part of our speciality.

"If you have more than you need, building a longer table not a higher wall."

As the weather changes, we can expect people to be released in items designed for hotter weather. Yesterday 3 guests were in flip flops and none were wearing a hoodie or a sweatshirt. Please take a look at how to donate coats/hoodies/sweatshirts/etc below 

Thank you all for continuing to support our work. You can also find other ways to support us below. 


COAT DRIVE:  Drop off coats only M-F at our van located in front of Air Care Colorado (12042 E. 30th Ave., Aurora, CO 80010) from 12-3pm. 
To drop off during other times, please text or call us: 720.515.6732


You can also donate a hoodie/sweatshirt through our amazon wishlist

CO GIVES DAY: Starts TODAY. Consider donating to our cause here.

FUNDRAISER "Celebrating 12 Years Together" : Tickets on sale now. Purchase yours today here. 

WISHLISTS Amazon & Target: We are running low on items that have been updated on our wishlists. Please consider donating these items. 


Out of State Students

Five students from Creighton University in Omaha, NEW, in collaboration with Urban Servant Corps, helped Casa de Paz by taking apart bunkbeds and doing some heavy lifting in the process. Thank you all who made their visit possible!

Elementary Students

Students from Carlson Elementary School in Idaho Springs came to help us make Welcome Cards and put together beautiful flags for our guests. Thank you Sophie for coordinating this awesome visit! 

High School Students

We also had a group of volunteers from WSHS in Aurora who came out and helped us at Casa, all while learning about immigration detention center. Thank you Ryan for your continued support!

Día de los Muertos at Civic Center Park

Thank you all who stopped by to say hi at our Altar and pay your respects for the immigrants who have passed away while in an immigration detention center in the U.S. A special thanks to Val from Aliadxs who invited us to this wonderful event. 


Happy American Indian Heritage Month! 

Closures: In Observance of Veteran's Dy on Nov. 11th and Thanksgiving on Nov. 28th, Casa will be closed as no releases are expected during these two days. If you have any questions, you can always call/text/email us at 720.515.6732;

Thank you!


A statement from us at Casa de Paz


October Newsletter